About Us

What you write here is totally up to you, there is no right or wrong way to complete your 'About Us' page.  We advise making your language friendly and approachable, while being informative and professional.
You should also consider adding key information such as:
  • How many years experience you have
  • Your skills
  • Your qualifications
  • Your contact details
  • Local areas you cover
  • Your policies
  • Any additional services you offer
  • Why people should choose you
Sample Text:
"As a Tennis Coach I believe in fun fitness that achieves real results. My lessons feature a range of cardio-vascular exercise and great fitness work outs, coupled with skill developing tasks, partner work to improve reactions and level-specific challenges.  
All my lessons are held at Danbury Court, a premium tennis club with excellent facilities. The courts have been recently refurbished, both grass and clay surfaces are available. Free parking is also provided onsite, along with a juice bar and picnic area."

This area is fully editable and gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your skills, your facilities and any important unique selling points.